How do you choose an attorney for personal injury

Personal Injury Words: Definitions

Negligent or negligence. How do we use these terms? personal injury Take this example:

  • Plaintiff Paula was injured by Don the defendant.
  • Don’s carelessness in operating the truck in close to zero visibility resulted in the truck smashed into Paula’s parked car.
  • Don’s error was in the way the decision was made to get in his truck to drive after having consumed alcohol for five hours.

First, Understanding Civil Lawsuit

It is a process based on the court where a person who has been wronged , or injured is seeking to hold the person (defendant) accountable for a sort of wrongdoing or injury. The defendant is sued by the plaintiff to recover damages – usually in the form of money damages in order to recuperate what the plaintiff has lost.

The most basic legal terms you’ll hear in a Civil Personal Injury Lawsuit

Being aware of the basic legal terminology is essential to aid you in your personal injury lawsuit. The following glossary contains common terms that are associated with personal injury lawsuits.


A plaintiff files a lawsuit against an individual or group of people for infractions. A plaintiff files an action in civil court when they have been wronged or have suffered harm.


If an individual is sued to claim that they were wronged or hurt, the person or entity who is being sued is called the defendant. A defendant can include an individual, an entity or a business or even the federal government. In a single lawsuit, there can be several plaintiffs and defendants.


Now pay close attention to this important legal term. Be aware that an injury can be more than just physical injury (e.g. broken leg, arm or head. It can also include defamation (when someone makes a comment that harms your reputation) and the possibility of wrongful death (death in a family member because of the negligence of another), emotional injury as well as pain and suffering as well as financial losses (e.g. the loss of assets, property and savings). A civil court attempts to make the plaintiff’s situation better before the incident occurred. That means there is compensation to be paid in the form of money. However the civil court is unable to make a difference to the situation of the plaintiff by restoring their reputation or by the return of a person who died. Although money cannot fix everything, it may help to restore some aspects of plaintiff’s condition.

Complaint & Response

When you’ve decided to pursue a civil personal injury lawsuit against the court then your CA personal injury lawyer will submit a complaint. This document will contain all the damages you wish to receive.

Your lawyer will submit a formal complaint and give the defendant time to reply. The defendant is required to respond by writing to the complaint. The response will inform the plaintiff as well as the court of the defendant’s position.


In a personal injury lawsuit the plaintiff’s objective is to recover is funds that equal damages. While the damages are comparable in value, it is crucial to remember the reason of the money. There are three kinds of damages: non-economic economic, and punitive. Economic damages are measurable damages like wage loss, medical costs, auto repair bills, replacement services, and so on. Non-economic damages are not specific damages that can be quantified since they are characterized by pain, suffering as well as humiliation, anxiety, and pain. Let’s look at the example of an auto accident. The economic damage include $7,000 for hospital expenses and $3,000 for repairs to your car. You can demand $5,000 to treat insomnia and anxiety as a result of your injuries and it would be considered as non-economic damages. If the court decides that the actions of defendant were negligent, you could be awarded additional sum of money. This is considered punitive damages.

Statute of Limitations

It can be explained as the time period set by the law in which a person can file suit for damages. The time frame is determined on the type of lawsuit and the state. The statute of limitations in most states in personal injury cases ranges from 2 to three years. However, it can differ for medical malpractice cases. That means the period will start on the date of your injury, accident or diagnoses. The limitation period in California is governed by state laws. If you’re thinking of making a personal injury lawsuit, you should know that the limitation period is 2 years.


It is the obligation that a person is bound to perform in accordance with the law. Whether it is about personal injury, damage to property, or anything else that is a liability for a defendant is their obligation under the law. Let’s say that you lease your home to a tenant who fires it up to the ground. In this scenario, the tenant is liable to your property loss. Anyone who drives a vehicle has an obligation under law to drive safely and follow the laws, however if that person fails to do the right thing, then he or she is responsible for damage of another person’s property or the well-being of another.

See also  What Is Negligence And How Does It Apply To Personal Injury Law?

Tort and Intentional Tort and Intentional

Tort can be described as any unlawful act that isn’t a crime and also an act of breach of contract. In the case of negligence, wrongful deaths or trespassing as well as defamation are considered to be torts. For instance, an individual who has caused a car accident has committed an act of tort.

Intentional tort, on contrary, refers to an intentional act of wrong conduct. Take an example of battery and assault, which are normally dealt with in the criminal court however, when they are brought in a civil action, they become intentional tort. Similarly, defamation of someone’s character is an intentional tort, as it was something that the defendant did on purpose.

Every day, regardless of whether you are at home at work, in the office or spending time with friends, there is always a chance of getting injured. Personal injury can either be psychological or physical. If your injury occurs as the result of an accident or a medical health condition, you can claim for compensation. A personal injury lawyer will aid you in the legal process which may result to getting some money-based compensation. Since hiring one will cost you a few dollars, it is best to select an attorney who can provide you the service you need. Three factors to take into consideration when selecting an attorney for personal injury are discussed in this article.

Before you do anything, think about whether the provider you are considering is qualified. You should check the academic papers of any lawyer for personal injuries prior to you sign any contract. Academic certificates and legal documents of operation can help you determine if you’re dealing with a licensed and legally authorized company. This will ensure that the matter does not fall into the hands of non-qualified or illegal fraudsters.

It is also necessary to investigate the reputation of the lawyer. You can assess the credibility of a personal injury lawyer based on how well-known they are as well as their experience offering assistance to their clients. Ask your family and friends about the lawyer you’re interested in. It is possible to choose a lawyer who have worked with many clients successfully. Also, experience is something to consider. The longest-serving lawyer has understood the industry more than the beginners. There is a higher chance of you winning a compensation claim when you work with an attorney for personal injuries who has been in the law field for a long time.

The third thing you should think about before deciding on moving on with an injury lawyer for personal injury is the way to charge fees for services. Different lawyers may prefer different modes of settling the costs. There are many factors to consider in a case which will affect the amount of fees lawyers are more likely to choose one of four standard payment options. These four models include flat rates, contingency fee, hourly rates for payment and retainers. Contingency fees are the most commonly used method of payment for lawyers. The client is not required to make any cash to the lawyer until the case is successful and compensation is to be paid. If the case is taken up by a lawyer and the lawyer is a good fit, some lawyers ask clients to pay a flat amount. It is a set amount. In cases of hourly rates, the client and the personal injury lawyer agree on a set amount of money to be paid for every hour of work. Retainer models allow the client to pay a fee prior to the legal proceedings.

Are you in need of an Accident and Injuries Lawyer?

If you have been injured in an accident or sustained injuries, you may need to seek out an Accident Lawyer. Accident Lawyers, often referred to as Personal Injury Lawyers, are experts in a variety of areas, including:

  • Defective Products
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Motor Accidents in a Vehicle
  • Occupier’s Liability
  • Personal Injury
  • Slip and fall
  • Workplace Accident
  • Wrongful Death

Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you meet or talk with lawyers from Accident Law, be sure you provide details like:

  • The date and time that the incident occurred or when you first learned about the injury.
  • How much will your damage cost.
  • This is a good description of the activities.

These are the issues that Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers would like to consider as a basis for going through your records. These Lawyers have researched accidents and injuries and legislation , and will determine if there is a limit on the time you have to file a claim and also your likelihood of success when negotiating or litigating a resolution.

Contingency Fee

Frequently, Accident Attorneys take on cases that have merit on a contingency fee basis This means that they will not be paid until you’re paid. Percentages typically can range from 20 to 40% of the amount you collect from third parties. This compensation method facilitates access to justice because lawyers are usually too costly on an hourly basis to investigate your claim. Be aware that this compensation method provides an incentive for lawyers to attempt to settle a case pre-maturely. This should be avoided where the case has merit and you (i.e. the client) would not like to settle for less than a certain amount.

See also  What is Personal Injury Law?

Select the Right Accident and Injury Lawyer

A lawyer who is accessible and responsive will help clients get what they need. Personal Injury Lawyers can demonstrate their expertise, knowledge and expertise by showing cases they’ve been involved with (and hopefully won) as well as articles they wrote, and possibly even referring clients. Don’t feel pressured to pick the right lawyer. Trust your instinct. Do your due diligence. Be sure that you are comfortable speaking with Personal Injury Lawyers and providing them with instructions regarding how to proceed. Remember: although Personal Injury Lawyers offer guidance and suggestions based on their experience You will always to be in the driving seat.

Ten Questions for your Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you handled personal injury cases such as mine before?

Although an attorney may manage a variety of cases, that doesn’t necessarily indicate they have the expertise to manage your personal injury case. Ask them questions regarding the way they handle complicated legal issues as well as what settlements they’ve secured for their clients over the years. An attorney who has handled at least 400 personal injury claims has the experience and expertise to take care of your case. You should also inquire whether they’ve been through a trial in an injury claim. Contrary to what many believe, not every attorney knows how to try a lawsuit in the courtroom.

Do you have references or testimonials from clients in the past?

A reputable personal injury attorney will have several testimonials proof of past results. Many law firms will have these posted on their websites. If you do not see them, just ask. You’ll need to confirm that they have the skills required to manage your case, but you’ll also want to ensure they’re one you’d like to collaborate with. If you don’t think they’re a good fit you might want to ask them for recommendations for other attorneys who specialize in different areas.

If I lose my case am I liable for any costs related to the case?

This is an important inquiry to ask your personal lawyer for injury. Each law firm will have a different way of charging you for the case. Some law firms won’t charge clients regardless of whether they succeed or fail. Some personal lawyer law firms, such as Parker & McConkie, will only be paid when you are paid. If you lose your case, or cannot receive money in the settlement, they take the entire cost. You won’t have to pay attorney’s fees from your account.

How many cases are you managing currently?

An attorney who handles too many cases won’t be able to provide you with the services you require. Find out what number of cases he or handles. If the answer is more than 45, it might be wise to look elsewhere. With only a certain amount of time to dedicate to each case, lawyers have to handle a lot. If they have multiple legal assistants, paralegals, and secretaries, they’re likely to handle the bulk of the workload. You want to be able be confident that your case will be handled by the most competent lawyer.

Do you have any discipline actions taken against you?

You can directly ask the question, but you could also consult Avvo or the State Bar to find out whether the lawyer has been disciplined previously. It is important to ensure that you can trust an ethical lawyer. Unfortunately, there are unethical attorneys who may not be in your best interests.

What is my personal injury case worth to you?

Every case is unique, so it can be difficult to estimate your case value accurately. However, they can provide you an idea of what to anticipate. You are entitled to compensation for general and special damages. Particular damages can include past and future medical expenses and loss of earning capacity in the future as well as future and past wage loss, past and future pensions and benefits and property damage, among others.

Although general damages may be more difficult to quantify, they shouldn’t be overlooked. General damages include the suffering and pain, loss of enjoyment of life, the loss of enjoyment of relationship emotional distress and anguish impairment, deformity and immobility, discomfort, and much more.

What is the typical amount of time required to settle a case such as mine?

Many factors affect the time it takes to resolve and close your case, including whether you had pre-existing injuries similar to those you suffered during the incident or how severely you suffered injuries. An attorney can provide an approximate timeframe. While both you and your attorney would like to resolve your dispute as soon as they can in order to receive the amount you’re entitled to, they should take the necessary steps to make sure all of their ducks are in a row.

See also  How to Find the Best Compensation Attorney

My case will be heard?

It’s unlikely the personal injury claim will ever go to trial. In reality, over 90 percent of cases settle prior to going to trial. Your lawyer should be preparing your case in the same way as they would go to trial. You should also ask your attorney about their rate of success in trial. It is important to have a knowledgeable and aggressive legal team on your side.

What is my role in the lawsuit?

Some people would love to participate in the lawsuit and participate in depositions and meetings. Some prefer having their lawyer handle the entire process while they watch from the sidelines. Be sure to establish clear communication about your role in the lawsuit, so that you on the same on the same page.

What do you think of my case?

It is also advisable to ask your attorney to provide an impartial and objective evaluation of your case. The attorney will inform the attorney about their process as well as your chances of winning and how much your case is worth. This will help you avoid disappointment later.

Personal Injury Claim Assistance and Tips

Let Pyrros & Serres, LLP Handle Your Personal Injury Claim

Accidents caused by negligence can result in serious injury. You could be eligible to be compensated for injuries resulting from the negligence or inattention of someone else. It can be challenging to prove negligence. The Manhattan personal injury lawyers will know how to gather the evidence needed to back victims of personal injuries.

Personal injury accidents can be:

  • Accidents involving trucks, car accidents, motorcycle accidents and pedestrian crashes
  • Construction site accidents
  • Failures of elevators
  • Mass transit mishaps
  • Medical negligence
  • Liability for premises
  • Trips, slips, and falls
  • Wrongful death

New York laws governing personal injuries are complicated and can be confusing for accident victims. Many people seek out New York personal injury attorneys to assistance. Pyrros & Serres LLP is familiar with the laws in place and has extensive expertise in navigating these laws.

Personal Injury cases must establish negligence

Negligence is the main cause of the majority of personal injury cases in New York.

  • To establish negligence to prove negligence, you must demonstrate that:
  • The party at fault owed you a duty of care.
  • The party in question did not fulfill the duty of care due to the negligence of others.
  • In an accident.
  • The at-fault party’s negligence caused the accidentand, therefore, your injuries.

While the facts in some cases are easily proving negligence, it is incredibly difficult to prove in other cases. An experienced personal injury lawyer will know the best way to demonstrate negligence and help you obtain evidence in support of your claim.

Damages obtainable in personal injury cases

New York law strictly regulates the kind of damages you are able to claim and the people who can recover these damages. It is possible to receive compensation for both non-economic and economic damages, based on your case. Personal injury lawyers can tell you if your injury might be eligible for compensation and who could be liable for these.

Economic damages refers to items that cause a specific expense.

  • Property damage
  • Medical bills and related costs
  • Lost Local Workers
  • Employment and training assistants

Although other accidents may not be correlated with an amount in dollars, you still have the right to compensation. Non-economic damages are:

  • Loss of earning capacity if injuries prevent you from working long-term
  • Inconvenience
  • The emotional, mental, and physical pain
  • The inability to enjoy life like you did before your injuries
  • Trauma that causes permanent disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium

Pyrros & Serres, LLP can assist you with your Claim

Pyrros & Serres, LLP will provide you with an expert workers’ compensation lawyerand disability lawyer to help you recover from injuries sustained in Manhattan. We believe in personal attention and positive outcomes for all of our clients.

After your free case evaluation after which we will inform you about the options available. If you choose to hire Pyrros & Serres, LLP to represent you, we will:

  • Be a spokesperson for insurance companies
  • Filing your claim and any other documents are required.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries
  • If necessary you must file lawsuits
  • You can appeal if the SSA or insurance companies deny your claim
  • Represent you during hearings in court or other legal actions
  • Competently fight for your right to receive all the benefits you are entitled to

Conveniently located in Astoria, NY, we serve clients in Manhattan and across the entire NYC metropolitan region. We know that not all of our clients speak English and we are able to also converse with our clients in Spanish, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi, and Spanish.

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